August 2022: Dr. Yaser Banadaki started a new research group "Neuromorphic Intelligent Computing Systems (NICS)" at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

August 2022: Dr. Yaser Banadaki accepted a new position within the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

November 2021: My students formed the CyberJags team and competed with 135 U.S. Universities in the CyberForce competition hosted by the Department of Energy.

November 2021: My students presented their research on Data Science and Cybersecurity in URC conference 2021. Recordings are available on Youtube. Video1 and Video2

October 2021: School visit and presentation about cybersecurity (Istrouma High School)
August 2021: Awarded "GenCyber 2022 Summer Camp," NSA, $150,000, (Role: PI)
May-June 2021: Southern University GenCyber Youth Camp
As a Program Director, I am proud that we successfully hosted our first GenCyber Youth Camp for middle and high school students from May 24th to June 7th, 2021. The two (traditional and virtual respectively) weeklong non-residential camps, supported by National Security Agency, were designed to instill in participants awareness of safe online practices, ethical behavior, and cybersecurity concepts through lectures and hands-on activities. Topics and activities included concept-specific warmup exercises, lectures on the cyber landscape, cybersecurity vocabulary, cryptography, programming, computer hardware, robotics, human-computer interaction, ciphering and deciphering, career opportunities, team presentations, and other cybersecurity-related activities. All the six concepts, defense in depth, confidentiality, integrity, availability, think like an adversary, and keep it simple, have been delivered to the students at an introductory level. Our GenCyber Youth Camp fulfilled two goals: (1) increase interest in cybersecurity among the youth and (2) enhance cybersecurity awareness among the youth. The surveys show 92% of our in-person students and 98% of our virtual students would like to engage and learn with cybersecurity concepts at an advanced level and are likely interested to continue their cybersecurity education.

April 2021: Awarded "Southern University Southern University Cybersecurity Talent Initiative Program (SU-CyberTIP)" from Louisiana Board of Regents, $206,000 (Role: PI)
The SU-CyberTIP aims to increase the institutional capacity of three SUS campuses in cybersecurity and increase the number of underrepresented students who can identify and address Cyber Security threats. The project will enhance, expand and infuse nine emerging cybersecurity courses into the existing curricula, offer an Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity (SUS-UCC), establish the Supervised Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) subprogram, enhance channels of industry engagement, and establish an annual CyberTIP symposium at Southern University.

March 2021: Best Paper Award, 95th Meeting of Louisiana Academy of Science (LAS)
Seven Students presented at LAS conference. Congratulations to my student, Dante Davis, who was awarded the Best Undergraduate Papers in 95th Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Academy of Science.

January 2021: Outstanding Researcher Award
Southern University honored me and recognized my scholarly research by selecting me as an "Outstanding Researcher" of 2020 (Right: SU Vice Chancellor for Research and Strategic Initiatives), January 2021.

January 2021: Awarded "Computer Engineering and Big Data Education (CEBDE) Program," Microsoft Co., $200,000, (Role: Co-PI)
November 2020: SU-CoDE Symposium
The Southern University - Computing and Data Education (SU-CoDE) Symposium ensures the effective communications and dissemination of the goals of this NSF funded project. The symposium includes student poster presentations on undergraduate research projects followed by discussions between students and faculty. The SU-CoDE symposium also includes the presentation of experts from data science industry to enhance students’ interaction and networking with professionals in the field.

November 2020: Student Presentations at LACOUR Conference, Lafayette, LA
Six undergraduate students working on SU-CoDE Projects presented their research at LACOUR Conference

May 2020: Awarded "Targeted Infusion Project: Computing and Data Education (SU-CoDE), National Science Foundation, $399,982, 07/01/2020 – 06/31/2023 (Role: PI)
May 2020: Awarded "A Framework for Harnessing Big Hydrological Datasets for Integrated Groundwater Management, NSF RII EPSCoR, $199,168, 09/01/2020-08/31/2024 (Role: Co-PI)
March 2020: Awarded "SU GenCyber Youth Camp, National Security Agency, $99,796, 07/01/2020 – 06/31/2021 (Role: PI)
March 2020: Best Paper Award, 94th Meeting of Louisiana Academy of Science (LAS)
Four Students presented at LAS conference. Congratulations to my two students, Nathaniel Price and Rayven Joubert, who was awarded the Best Undergraduate Papers in 94th Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Academy of Science.

June 2019: Programming Bootcamp and Competition

March 2019: Best Paper Award, 93rd Meeting of Louisiana Academy of Science (LAS)
Four Students presented at LAS conference. Congratulations to my two students, Nariman Razaviarab and Adetayo Okunoye, who were awarded the Best Undergraduate Papers in 94th Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Academy of Science.

February 2019: DXC Technology Visit, New Orleans, LA

July 2019: USRA Meeting, Baltimore, MD

November 2019: IBM Quantum Computing Workshop

April 2017: Senior Design Defense